Thursday 4 February 2016

Second Coming - not what I expected

Idris Elba is a great actor, so a film with him in it is going straight on to the 'must watch' list.  I can't remember where it was that I first came across this low budget British film that stars the man himself as a construction worker and family man in inner city London, but the title and premise were immediately intriguing.  Second Coming was billed to refer to something to do with a child in the film, implying that the story would be one about Elba's character's family, with a mystical twist revolving around the biblical story of Revelation.
Well, it isn't quite that.  And though I didn't enjoy Second Coming that much, I didn't have such a crap time as to deliberately spoil it for anyone who might want to check it out.  So I will hold back on giving things away.  What I will say though is that I find it surprising this is a feature length film.  The story of Jax and Mark and their little confused boy JJ isn't that cinematic, and it's a long slog to get to the 'hmm - I wonder what that means...' ending.
As far as my clear up of films I missed when they came as is going - Second Coming is one I wouldn't have been too upset over not seeing in the end.  A review in short - not one to prioritise, as I'm sure the brevity of this post conveys.

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