Thursday 19 March 2015

You're Next - Horror! (sort of)

Watched this one a few months ago, but didn't really have anything interesting to say about it so I decided not to bother.  The blog's looking a bit thin on content at the moment though (doing too many other things at the moment to keep up on cinema commitments) so I thought I'd dredge through my viewings from the last few months and see if there's anything to say about any of them.

So, You're Next.  It's a classic set up involving a bunch of people trapped in a remote location being assailed from all sides by something terrible.  This time around it's a family having a reunion dinner in a massive house.  There are all the usual family tensions going on with some people not liking other people's choices of partner and blah blah, but it doesn't take long for the grisly action to start when a group of men in goat masks assault the house with bows and arrows and knives etc.

The fun arises from how one of the assailees (our lead character Erin) turns out to be something of a badass who has done army training of some kind and is able to fight back.  There is then a reveal when we learn who the assailants are and why they would be attacking an isolated house in the middle of nowhere during a family dinner.  It's Night of the Living Dead without the social commentary, Evil Dead without the animatronics, Cabin in the Woods without the satire or Texas Chainsaw Massacre without the chills.  Basically it's trying to be any and all of these, but not really succeeding on any front.  Watch to fill time.  Or don't.  Either way your life will not be significantly different.

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