Thursday 12 March 2015

Before I go to Sleep - it's a miracle I didn't sleep through this film

Do I have to review Before I go to Sleep?  I guess I don't have to review it, but I'm going to anyway because I paid to rent the bloody thing and the least I'm going to get out of it is a few minutes entertaining myself writing mean things about it on the internet.

Let's begin with the plot.  A woman called Christine (Nicole Kidman) wakes to discover that she does not recognise the man sleeping next to her (Colin Firth).  Soon she learns that she suffers from amnesia, she wakes up every morning like this, and that Colin Firth is in fact her husband Ben.  After Ben leaves for work she gets a call from a doctor Nasch (Mark Strong) who tells her of a video diary she has been keeping for herself.  She soon learns that both Ben and Dr Nasch are keeping secrets from her.

Skip ahead 80 minutes and you find out that one of either Ben or Dr Nasch is lying, and that one of them is responsible for the attack that left her in her amnesiac condition.  Do you care which?  Well then watch the film, or look it up on imdb.  If I sound like I'm being quite dismissive of this film, then you've read me right, I am being rather dismissive of this film.  I am assured that the book it much better, since there are more twists that don't really work in a visual medium like film.

And that's all I've got to say really.  It's a film that gives away its own limitations by the fact that it's only 80-odd minutes long.  Basically it's a one-twist story without much else going on.  If it wasn't for the presence of 3 very well-respected actors I doubt this is a film that would have got close to being on my radar.  If you're a fan of the book it's based on then you'll probably be interested to see what they've done to move it on to the big screen.  Otherwise, give it a miss.

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