Thursday 24 May 2012

Downfall - Actual Subtitles

I tried to find this scene on YouTube a few months back but couldn't because of the ridiculous number of spoofs (many of which were funny originally, but are now getting out of control).  Someone posted it on the Guardian's film blog earlier to day and so I am reposting.

A superb scene from a superb film.  To anyone in the modern world who might look back upon the Second World War and ask 'how did people allow a monster like Hitler to rise?' - Downfall provides an answer: he was no devil, merely a man.  A man like any number of men who would like us to blame our modern troubles on Eastern Europeans / Muslims / any culture they refuse to understand and would rather hate.  The film reminds us that hatred is spread by ordinary people, and calls upon us to challenge it where ever it is found lest history repeat itself.  At least that's what I thought.

By way of an antidote, here's Charlie Caplain's fantastic speech lampooning Hitler and preaching universal peace in 'The Great Dictotor':

Never actually seen 'The Great Dictator', but this speech is an exceptional piece of oration.

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