Monday 5 December 2011

F - Hoodie Horror

Kicked December off with a couple of oddish films. First up was 'F', a British thriller that was made about a year ago in the middle of all the hype about 'feral' teenagers running amok. Remember all that? The story follows Robert Anderson, a teacher who is attacked in his class and becomes obsessed by the idea that kids are out to get adults. A year passes and he is separated from his wife, drinking before classes, estranged from his daughter (a pupil in his class) and generally on the fringes of society.

Cue an attack on the school a la Assault on Precinct 13. Shadow-faced attackers wearing grey hoodies and possessing extra-ordinary ninja powers attack the school in the evening when all the characters we've been introduced to happen to be hanging around. Blood and carnage follow.

Despite setting up a tense atmosphere and delivering several seriously grotty makeup-laden death scenes, the film is only 75 minutes long and fails utterly by bailing out at the end. The film just peters out and fades to the credits just at the point when things are being set up for a finish. Did the budget run out or something? I don't understand how the ending could ever have made sense in the mind of a script writer. Unless they're trying to imply that something other-worldly has happened, or that Anderson has imagined the whole thing and is in fact responsible. But that makes no sense either. To elaborate further would be to provide spoilers that no one wants. It's only 75 minutes, why not have a look yourself?

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