... 1 hour later and it skips a full 20 minutes. Upon removing the DVD I discover a large crack on the outside of the disc. Ain't no amount of cleaning going to sort that out. Anyway, frankly I'd had more than enough of Seth Rogan shouting "Dude! That's - like - AWESOME!" every 5 seconds so I chalked it up to divine intervention and started playing some of the DLC I'd missed on Mass Effect 2 first time around. I'm going to send it back without telling them it's broken, just in case they try to send me the replacement DVD I could do without.
Since I didn't actually see Green Hornet all the way to the end I feel I can't provide a full review here. But unless something pretty bloody spectacular happens in the last 45 minutes I don't see how it can be turned around. The premise is that Seth Rogan is the son of a media mogul (Tom Wilkinson) who dies in the first scene. Any film that's prepared to waste Tom Wilkinson in a single scene isn't worth much (unless of course he isn't really dead and comes back at the end - which would make a lot of sense actually). Rogan's character then discovers that the guy who makes his coffee is some kind of superhero type, so they build lots of 'AWESOME DUDE!' cars and guns and go around fighting with criminals. Sigh.
Christoph Waltz is very entertaining as the massively arch bad guy. I guess it would have been nice to see how Waltz's character links in with Rogan's and Tom Wilkinson - but I really can't be arsed watching the rest.
The more I think about it the more I'm convinced Tom Wilkinson's character can't be dead and that there has to be some kind of twist. Anyway, I definitely don't care. Honest.
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