Wednesday 5 January 2011

Jet Airlines present...

There will now follow some reviews of films brought to me by Jet Airlines. I was on holiday in Nepal over the Xmas period and flew Jet Airlines from Heathrow to Kathmandu. This included multiple delays of all kinds - basically, Kathmandu airport is the most inefficiently run on the planet and snow doesn't like Heathrow. On the way back from Delhi (10 hours in a plane) I had a chance to watch three films. On the way out I was too worried about missing our connection to Kathmandu in Delhi and just tried to sleep, on the way back I was in a much more chilled out mindset and so checked out my 6 inch screen for entertainment options.

If this was one of those lifestyle blogs I'm sure I'd post loads of photos and have loads of exciting stories about all the interesting things I saw and did and ate in Nepal. But it's not and I'm going to stay on mission. If you want a description of the insane chaos that is Kathmandu traffic then ask me. I'll also happily tell you about trekking in the Himalayas, Nepalese food, Buddhism, Hindu cremations, icy waterfalls, Yaks & Naks, altitude sickness, Chinese whisky, Apple Raski and Lukla Airport. Buy me a pint why not?

What I'm going to give you here are reviews of a selection of films that you too could watch if you fly Heathrow - Delhi with Jet airlines this month. 3 Idiots, Easy A and Never Let Me Go. See below (or technically above or in your RSS feed, since blogs work like that).

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