Wednesday 5 January 2011

Films of the Year - 2010

It's that time of year again. The end of the year. And with the end of the year every blogger and amateur film critic out there is telling anyone who'll listen which films were their favourites. Given that I lack the imagination to do anything different, I present my top 5 films of 2010:

5 - Paranormal Activity

I guess this is technically a 2009 release, but I didn't see it in a cinema until 2010 so I'm claiming it. Absolutely bloody terrifying, the most effective horror film I've seen in some time.

4 - Toy Story 3

Disarming in its approach but undoubtedly tear-jerking, Toy Story 3 encourages us to lament our long lost childhood and re-enforces Pixar's position at the top of the animation charts. This is also probably the best 'part 3' of any film series of all time (well, Goldfinger is clearly better - but that doesn't count).

3 - Inception

The best Science Fiction film of the year by quite a distance. It wasn't quite as confusing or as mind-bending as the reviews had made out, but it took visual and sound effects to a new level. With a plot straight of a Sci-Fi masterwork book it's an achievement to make it into multiplex cinemas. Mainstream science fiction will never be the same again.

2 - Kick Ass

First class entertainment, stupid outfits and underage potty-mouths all in the comforting guise of a comic book adaptation. And also a bit of an allegory for heroism in real life too. Definitely the most fun I had at the cinema this year.

1 - Made In Dagenham

Anyone who knows me well will be dramatically unsurprised that a story about workers taking on one of the world's largest motor manufacturers is my film of the year. Released at exactly the right time to have as much of an impact as possible, 'Made in Dagenham' is as much a rallying call to the modern disposed as it is a touching drama about ordinary people making history.

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