Friday 3 September 2010


I'm not going to spend too long reviewing this, mainly because I felt like I wasted enough time already on Wednesday evening just by watching it. The plot is that in the future the world is over-populated, so a spaceship carrying thousands of people is fung off into space to an Earth-like world to populate it and essentially resettle humanity. Some of the crew wake up early and realise that something is not quite right on the ship. They can't get into the bridge to find out where they are and there are strange creatures knocking about - not what you want really.

I suppose that Pandorum could have been a good film if it there was (a) any attempt to generate suspense, (b) any plot at all and (c) a better director involved. The creatures on the ship are unmasked far too early to generate any kind of tension, every time anything action-based happens the director goes instantly to a shaky running camera and I don't really know what the plot was. Something about the main character having to restart and engine so that Dennis Quaid can get into the bridge?

Admittedly the ending was kind of satisfying, but by the time we got there I didn't care to be honest. If I were you I wouldn't bother.

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