But I digress, for I have not yet told you what kind of a film this is. 'Exam' has a simple premise, 8 candidates for an unknown but extremely desirable job sit an exam. The invigilator provides them verbal instructions at the start of the film. They have 80 minutes to answer the question. They may not spoil their papers or leave the exam room; they may not attempt to communicate with the invigilator or the armed guard. He then starts a clock counting down from 80 minutes and leaves the room, the candidates turn over their exam papers to discover... nothing. A blank page. From there the candidates have to work out what is going on, what the question they have to answer is, and who the other people in the room with them are.
It's a great idea for a mystery story. Sitting exams is something that fills many of us with fear in a way that's more real than many a horror film, the anxiety comes from being able to leave at any time but knowing that to do so will mean disqualification and failure. Thankfully - unlike many a mystery story - by the end the resolution is fairly satisfying. I advise people to check it out.
Just in case you're worried, they don't all simply sit there in silence for 80 minutes scratching their heads.
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