Wednesday 21 April 2010

Weird Film Night - Super Cub

A bunch of my mates who are in a band have started having 'weird film nights'. The first weird film night involved the literally abysmal Convoy - which I gave up on after about 45 minutes of watching Red-neck truckers burn up the US highways. Last night's was Super Cub, an unknown Japanese movie about an ace biker who loses his license and has to take a job delivering noodles while trying to save his best mate from a cartel of European / Chinese(?) bike thieves.

There's a very good reason why this film is generally unknown, long may it remain so. I stuck it out till the end as it was only 80 minutes and I wanted to hang around near the TV so that I could watch the Champion's League Semi Final when it came on. Apparently it's meant to be a spoof on the 'Fast and Furious' series. No, it's just rubbish. The entertainment was provided almost entirely by laughing at the subtitles; a gang member tells his mate to "Buffle[sic]" the police at one point.

Next time there's a weird film night in my house I'm picking it. 'Weird Film' does not have to imply 'Shit Film'...

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