Thursday 8 April 2010

The Prisoner remake

I don’t know if anyone’s seen this, but a trailer for the US remake of ‘The Prisoner’ on ITV last night (I was watching ITV for the football by the way) has got me annoyed. I can think of very few times in which a remake was better or even comparable to the original. Off the top of my head I’ve come up with Battlestar Gallactica – and the original was rubbish anyway.

This new one might have Ian McKellen in it, but it’s not needed. I can’t imagine how this will get anywhere near to capturing the psychedelic spy-ridden angst of the 1960s original. They could try to focus on the fact that number 6 was being held against his will and without trial after resigning his post as a kind of modern parable about Guantanamo and state v individual freedom of choice etc – but the things that made the Prisoner memorable (the big white balloon, the pastel shades, the psychotic dream sequences) will end up looking hokey in the modern era. If they leave those elements out then why call this series ‘The Prisoner’ at all?

Silly people trying to hang on to the coat tails of a classic to make a bit of money. They’d better not mess with the opening titles either, great music.

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