Monday 30 July 2018

The Thing - The blood test scene

A review of The Thing appeared in my YouTube subscription feeds recently.  Made me realise how remiss I had been in failing to share here one of the most effective single horror sequences in the genre.  The story is that a group of scientists and engineers are trapped in the Antarctic with something.  They have worked out that the something is capable of transforming itself into any organic creature, and now they suspect that it has taken the form of one of them.

Kurt Russel is MacReady, who has appointed himself (through acquisition of firepower) a judge who will determine which of his fellows is real and which a shapeshifting demon.  His theory - that the thing will feel pain if even a bit of it is scolded, even some siphoned blood will still be part of the monster, thus revealing itself.  Cue tension, machismo, one of the best jump-scares you will ever witness and animatronic horror of the finest order:

The Thing is an almost perfect horror movie.

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