Thursday 16 April 2015

The Lego Movie - aka The Matrix

I experienced a moment of intense karma two weeks ago when I watched The Lego Movie, posted to Facebook that I thought it was exactly the same as The Matrix, only for the Cinema Sins Youtube channel to post a video hours later pointing out the similarities between the two films.  I really need to get into film reviews.

Aside from stealing my thunder with regards to this review, Cinema Sins are right.  Fun though the film may be, as interesting as the effects may be and as varied and impressive as the cast of voice actors may be, The Lego Movie is still an unrepentant Matrix rip off.  Each film is about an ordinary everyman living an unremarkable life in a world that is in fact a grand lie designed to mollify a suppressed population.  In each film this man has his perception of reality altered by the intervention of a kick-ass babe and is believed to be 'the one' by an aged and kindly father figure obsessed with prophecies.  He doubts the validity of the prophecy but eventually finds it in himself to be a catalyst for change.  Cut to Rage Against the Machine.  Well, The Matrix cuts to Rage Against the Machine.  Not so much of that here.

It's a completely fine adaptation of The Matrix for an audience of children and their parents.  What I don't really understand is the amount of love that this film got when it came last year - it was even nominated for an Oscar for the song 'Everything is awesome'.  I guess it might have resonated very strongly with parents, given the way that it eventually comes to a rather charming and tear-jerking conclusion that smashes through the 4th wall and leaves everyone happily every after.  It's all about family and childhood dreams and how everything would be ok if only parents could learn to love to play like their kids do.  I wont be a complete sour-puss here, it is a very neat ending.  I just don't understand how it's 7.8 / 10 on IMDB worth of neat.

So in conclusion, The Lego Movie is fine enough, but The Matrix is loads better.

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