Monday 9 February 2015

Edge of Tomorrow - not edge of my seat though

The first film I watched on my flight to Buenos Aires a few weekends ago was Edge of Tomorrow, the recent science fiction / time travel / action adventure starring Tom Cruise playing off against a potential love interest who is literally young enough to be his daughter (Cruise is 21 years older than Emily Blunt).  Would this ever happen the other way around without the age difference being a plot point in the movie?  If anyone can think of any examples then I would love to hear about them.

The premise of Edge of Tomorrow is that in the nearish future there is some kind of alien invasion of Earth in progress.  The aliens have no apparent agenda, they're simply evil-looking blobs with tentacles and claws waiting to be dispatched in a variety of ways before they dispatch you.  Tom Cruise's character is press-ganged into joining the marines after insulting his commanding officer Brendan Gleeson.  Cruise protests but ultimately joins the human invasion forces on the beaches of Northern France - which are horribly defeated.  Cruise himself is killed, but he immediately awakens back on the previous day, ready to live the day again and repeat his death in a Groundhog Day style.

And this is the plot for the rest of the film.  Cruise must work out how to try and survive the day.  Not only that, but he soon discovers the reason for his time travel is intrinsically linked with the aliens' victory over Humanity.

Let's be honest, Edge of Tomorrow sounds like a fun idea, but in the end it's science fiction filler.  There are plenty of nice effects, different types and styles of guns and body armour and aliens, plus some cool arse-kicking action, but that's all.  The story is incredibly simple when it's all boiled down, and by its very nature pretty repetitive and full of CGI.  It's fun to look at if you're a fan of the science fiction action genre, but I think that even the most hardened of fanboys will be unable to give it more than average marks.  This is a film very few people will be watching in 5 years time.

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