Wednesday 27 August 2014

Can you handle the truth?

It's clichéd maybe, but the final courtroom scene of A Few Good Men remains an outstanding example of how to build drama up to a tense conclusion.  The film is part buddy drama between the young lawyers played by Tom Cruise and Demi Moore, and part political intrigue in which the balance between security and freedom in the post-cold war world is analysed.  Sounds boring, but it really isn't.  In this final scene, Cruise the lawyer baits Jack Nicholson's Colonel Jessup into admitting in front of the court that he ordered a marine under his command to be beaten by his fellows:

The screenplay was written by Aaron Sorkin, and the themes running through the film were reflected on an almost weekly basis in his outstanding political drama The West Wing some years later.  Oh, and Spoiler Alert.  But then this is a A Few Good Men - surely you've seen it?

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