Thursday 24 July 2014

The Thing - testing the blood

Time for a quick 'classic scene', this time it's from John Carpenter's classic horror The Thing.  Starring Kurt Russell, the film follows a group of Antarctic scientists who find something weird going on underneath the ice after they discover a previous Norwegian team who have appeared to kill themselves.  It soon becomes apparent that they are dealing with an alien creature that can replicate itself by taking the form of any living thing it comes into contact with.

In this scene, MacReady (Russell) tests out his hypothesis that he can work out which of them are aliens by putting a scolding hot wire into a sample of each of their blood.  The theory being that the blood sample is still part of the alien creature, and that it will feel pain as if the hot wire had been pushed into the person.  Enjoy...

It's an outstanding horror film that, partly because of its reliance on animatronic effects rather than digital CGI, still looks terrifying today.  The film's final scene is one of the best in the history of the horror genre, full of sadness and poignancy at the numbing realisation of what's to come.

You need to have seen this film.

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