Wednesday 5 February 2014

Made of Stone - Waterfall

So I know that I never got around to reviewing Made of Stone last year.  Seems a little odd now I look back on it given that I put the documentary in my top 5 films of 2013, but I don't really have a lot to say about it.  It's an indulgence film by Shane Meadows, who is a gigantic fan of the Stone Roses.  For him it's enough to simply film them at work and at play, edit the thing together and bang it up there on screen without any need to invent a narrative.  And to be honest, I agree with him.

I don't really have much to say about this scene in particular, apart from the fact that I absolutely loved watching the Stone Roses practising by playing one of their all-time classic tunes:

Brilliant.  The end of the film is probably meant to be the apex of it all, as the band come together through their difficulties and play an extended version of Fools Gold to tens of thousands of fans at a packed Heaton Park.  But I preferred this.  Rock on!

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