Tuesday 30 July 2013

Spiderman - another one!

Accidentally watched Spiderman the other day after I got the DVD through the post.  That happened because I forgot to re-order my LoveFilm list after I sent a better film back last week.  Well I guess I put the thing on my list so it's nobody's fault but mine it happened.

This review has got off to a bad start, probably because I didn't enjoy myself a great deal watching this reboot of yet another Marvel superhero they're rinsing to death for all the money they can.  This time around we have Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker, a young lad who geekily stumbles his way through high-school before for some reason going into the big city, getting bitten by a spider, getting superpowers, making a red and blur suit before finally turning into The Amazing Spiderman.

Andrew Garfield is a fine actor, Rhys Ifans plays a good bad guy and I have a bit of a crush on Emma Stone - so you would think that with the cast alone there would be plenty of scope to make this a decent superhero movie.  It's not too bad, but I took something of a dislike to it as I've definitely had my fill of this kind of Marvel origins film where a nobody becomes a superhero and then has to have a fistfight with someone at the end to satisfy the fanboys.  Ifans plays your typical Marvel scientist who creates something he can't control and it drives him mad, a madness that can only be cured by Spiderman punching win a whole heap of times.  It's the same old story that's been done tonnes of times in the past and needs to be a little more imaginative if it's going to keep me interested.

I guess this is the sort of thing that pleases the vocal majority of Marvel fans out there as the film is rocking a respectable 7.1 on imdb and has a lot of glowing reviews.  Green Lantern was a low point in this genre of film and to an extent Iron Man also sits in that spectrum.  Let's not forget Captain America, but that was such a terrible film anyway it hardly warrants comment.  This version of Spiderman is hardly the worst of the bunch, but it's getting flak from me because I'm getting sick of the constant reboots.  There's a sequel pencilled in for next year so we'll have to wait to see what they do with the format.  Hopefully they'll try something interesting and make a slightly less-tedious movie.

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