Friday 19 April 2013

Dr Strangelove - Water Fluoridation

I played a game of my new favourite board game the other day - Twilight Struggle.  The game is a strategic encounter that simulates the Cold War.  I won by default as my opponent accidentally started a nuclear war. The end to the game made me think of one of my favourite political satires of all time, Dr Strangelove.  Here's one of my favourite scenes from it, in which General Ripper explains to Captain Mandrake (one of Peter Sellers' 3 roles) how Commies don't drink water because of the monstrous conspiracy of water fluoridation.

As a result of this madness General Ripper is on the verge of kicking off an apocalyptic nuclear war.  I watched Room 237 last night, in which a parade of individuals with a variety of levels of sanity explain their theories behind the meaning of Kubrick's masterpiece The Shining.  Dr Strangelove remains my favourite Kubrick film though, it's encapsulation of the laughable futility of war has yet to be beaten.

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