Friday 4 January 2013

Films of the Year - 2012

Didn't go to the cinema as much in 2012 as I would have liked to.  As such quite a lot of films that I wanted to see I have missed out on and aren't elligible for this chart.  Mainly I'm thinking of Looper and The Life of Pi.  I'm sure I'll get around to seeing these fairly early in the new year as they become available on DVD / Netflix.

Regardless, I've set myself a tradition of doing a top 5 of the year each January - so here's this year's top films of 2012 that I actually got around to seeing in 2012.

5 - The Hunger Games

A surprise entry here. Earlier in the year if you had told me how much I would have bought into the story of Katniss I would never had believed you. Rather than simply being teenage fodder in the Twilight mould, The Hunger Games is a savvy political thriller that has launched the career of the superb Jennifer Lawrence.

4 - Cabin in the Woods

My horror film of the year isn't really a horror film, but a horror spoof. Proof that Joss Whedon (as a co-writer here) can still be a genius at the same time as churning out Holywood action no-brainers for Marvel.

3 - The Raid

A throw-back to the kung fu action movies of yesteryear, The Raid is an intensely violent action thriller in which the premise is simple and in which when someone gets punched it looks like it actually hurts. Sometimes the best films are the ones in which you concentrate on getting the basics right.

2 - Shame

Michael Fassbender is one of the best actors around at present, and in Shame he gives an outstanding performance that shines a light on the crushing nature of addiction. Not only him, but Carey Mulligan's in it too and appears in my scene of the year!

1 - The Artist

Easily the most fun I had at the cinema last year, The Artist is a wonderful story that shows how the future of cinema doesn't have to lie in the realm of 3D, or even colour or sound. If you've got a great story, people will love it!

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