Tuesday 3 January 2012

Films of the Year - 2011

The film world keeps on chugging on and I've already made my first cinema trip of 2012. A review of that to come, but for now it's time for my now-traditional top 5 of the previous year. I like that I've had this blog going for 3 years now and can claim a 'tradition'.

5 - The King's Speech

Enough praise was heaped upon 'The King's Speech' back in January, no need for me to repeat the process now. An outstanding performance from Colin Firth and a deserved pile Oscars tell the story. And it didn't even bother me that it was about the royals!

4 - Troll Hunter

I was expecting a 'Blair Witch' style horror but ended up getting a knock-about comedy with funny effects, slapstick and mad Norwegian trolls. Plus Norwegians - well they just sound funny don't they!

3 - Paul

Science Fiction film of the year goes to Simon Pegg and Nick Frost's latest foray into the geek - Paul. Helped partly by being loads better than the trailers made it look, and partly by an astonishing abundance of film references, it's a funny film that's anti religious and name-checks every science fiction film you can think of. Sort of a perfect film for me I guess.

2 - Senna

A humble documentary about a subject that raises emotions amongst Formula 1 fans of a certain age, 'Senna' neither fawns in adoration at its eponymous driver nor throws around accusations of guilt at his death. 'Senna' is a measured film that presents the life of a cultural icon.

1 - Black Swan

'Black Swan' went in to the top of my film of the year chart when I saw it back in February and nothing has managed to dislodge it. Probably not everyone's cup of tea, but I thought it was an outstanding and emotional performance from Portman as an artist trying so hard for perfection that she risks loosing all touch with reality. I need to see it again at some point.

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