Monday 12 July 2010

Charlie Brooker on Twilight

I saw this on the Guardian website today, it made me laugh out loud. I watched the first Twilight film as I was in one of my 'see everything so I can have an opinion' phases when it came out. I thought it was entertainingly silly but certainly not worthy of any kind of second thought, let alone the worldwide success it has generated. I think that not being a teenage girl doesn't help, but do girls really want to be as wet and bland as Twilight's lead? Seriously?

Brooker also has a go at vampire drama 'True Blood'. I watched the first series of that program and was initially entertained, but I soon got tired of the fast character turnover and fickle characterisation of the leads. I wont be watching season 2 any time soon. Maybe Brooker has a point about vampires being rubbish though, even in Buffy the vampires themselves were generally rubbish (they regularly got beaten up by Xander and Giles FFS!).

Anyway, now the world cup's over I'm sure some good stuff's going to come out soon. Like Inception - which is somehow scoring 96% on IMDB despite not even being released yet. Stupid IMDB.

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