Friday 11 June 2010

Alien - the best film ever

I have not written a post in quite a while. This is because I found out last week that I am having to move house in August. That sucks on a number of levels, including that a lot of my spare time is now taken up looking on rightmove - meaning less time for watching films. Also, what with the world cup starting up this afternoon I am probably not going to get to the cinema for a few weeks anyway.

In the meantime though there is always YouTube. By naively typing 'Alien' into youtube I expected to get clips of the classic Ridley Scott film - sadly I ended up with rediculous footage of 'real aliens' and frat boys dressing up in 'alien' costumes. Anyway, I did turn up the original 1979 trailer for it, check this out:

Sends a shiver down my spine even now. Alien is one of my favourite films, it is at the same time one of the best science fiction and best horror films - all rolled into one. When I went to the Nottingham Showcase in 2003 to watch the remastered re-release I experienced 'Alien' on a large screen and with surround sound for the first time, it was breathtaking.

And that tagline, how can it get any better?

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