Wednesday 22 July 2009

Revenge of the Nerds

So I recorded this using my new-fangled 'Sky +' machine the other day. This is a film I've heard about lots of times. Apparently it was brought out as part of a wave of teen / adolescent comedy capers that came out during the early 1980s. So although it isn't quite the original frat boy slacker comedy, it certainly comes close. As such I kind of felt obliged to give it a watch.

Revenge of the Nerds has a very simple plot. A pair of geeky (yet worldly-wise) students move into their new university and are immediately harassed by the jocks of the local frat house Alpha Beta, mainly for the simply reason that they're nerds. They band together with other nerds, form their own fraternity and proceed to do battle with the Alpha Betas until everyone discovers their own inner nerd and lives happily ever after. Despite being a little misogynistic in places, it's actually a fairly funny film despite itself. This might have something to do with the cast; a group of unknowns at the time, but people who have gone on to have big careers (Anthony Edwards of ER, Timothy Busfield of West Wing and John Goodman of numerous Hollywood films). John Goodman in particular stars in a hilarious moment in which he leads his American Football team - full of frat house jocks - in an inspirational chant before sending them off to the showers to change. As they run off he declares with impeccable timing "Damn, we forgot to practice."

Not a classic, but funny enough to make the 80 minute investment worthwhile.

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