Friday 20 February 2009

True Romance

True Romance was written by Quentin Tarantino before he got famous off the back of Reservoir Dogs, it's a story about a young couple who rip off a load of criminals and then end up having half of the American Mafia chasing after them. It's a seriously violent film with plenty of cool dialogue.

Not least is this scene. Here, Dennis Hopper tries to protect the location of he son from the mafioso (Christopher Walken) by goading him into killing him before he can torture the information out of him. Not the world's best strategy, but this is a Tarantino film. Hopper does this by playing on the mafia hitman's racist streak and giving a brilliantly delivered speach about the potential genetic heritage of Sicilians.

I also love the reaction of the mafia underlings at the end to what just happened. As if that's all in a day's work.


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