Friday 23 January 2009

Network - a prophecy on the future of Television

I thought I'd post some videos from YouTube of some of my favourite ever movie scenes. YouTube is a great place to go to for re-living classic moments of cinema, especially while bored at work.

I thought I'd kick things off with a classic scene from a movie which I knew nothing about until about a year ago. 'Network' is a film that was made in the early 1970s yet somehow manages to predict the rise of modern television. From reality TV, to the phenomenon of happy slapping and the conflation of opinion with news in the media, 'Network' is most impressive in that it could easily have been made only a few years ago as a satire on the Fox News Network.

In this scene Howard Beale - the news presenter who has had a nervous breakdown on air and has been turned into an overnight celebrity - is paraded in front of our screens for our entertainment. Although his sermon is one of portentous doom, his terrifying words warning of the future of television fall on deaf ears as what he says is perceived as mere entertainment.

"When the 12th largest company in the world controls the most awesome god-damn propaganda force in the whole godless world; who knows what shit will be peddled for truth?" - whenever I hear that line it makes my skin tingle.

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